"In case the total money added by credit card, including current transaction, exceeds Rs 10,000, the entire transaction amount will be charged as 1.75% + GST," Paytm said in a Twitter post. This is not the first time Paytm has considered this move. Over a year ago, it considered bringing these charges but had stopped short of implementing it. It would be crucial to see how consumers react to this change, as many use their credit cards to load money in their Paytm wallets for frequent use-case like paying taxi fares.
Monday, 6 January 2020
Paytm top-up via credit card faces 2% fee
"In case the total money added by credit card, including current transaction, exceeds Rs 10,000, the entire transaction amount will be charged as 1.75% + GST," Paytm said in a Twitter post. This is not the first time Paytm has considered this move. Over a year ago, it considered bringing these charges but had stopped short of implementing it. It would be crucial to see how consumers react to this change, as many use their credit cards to load money in their Paytm wallets for frequent use-case like paying taxi fares.
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