Thursday, 12 January 2017

Flipkart highlights shipping label guidelines; Violations could result in delivery delays
Shipping labels are an essential part of packaging. The details they hold help in automating the package sorting procedure at warehouses. This improves inwarding speed and in turn delivery speed to the consumer. Pasting these labels incorrectly could affect the sorting procedure, causing unnecessary delays.
Recently, Flipkart sent out an email to online sellers highlighting the importance of pasting shipping labels correctly. The etailer’s email read,
“In a hurry to fulfil all orders on time and avoid RTD breaches, sometimes the shipping labels are incorrectly pasted. This leads to delay in sorting of products at the Flipkart warehouse, as sorting machine is not able to read the 2D barcode.”
When shipping labels are pasted in the wrong manner, the visibility of the codes on it is affected. This then increases the time it takes in fulfilling the order.
(Image obtained from Flipkart seller hub)
(Image obtained from Flipkart seller hub)
(Image obtained from Flipkart seller hub)
(Image obtained from Flipkart seller hub)

Guidelines for Pasting Shipping Labels

To ensure smoother sorting and faster inwarding of orders the online marketplace listed the following guidelines for pasting shipping labels.
1. Do not past labels on the edge/ corner of the package
– Paste the label on a flat surface or the long side of the package.
2. Do not paste cello tape/ stickers on the label
3. Labels pasted should not have wrinkles
– Labels must be pasted flat without any form of wrinkling
4. Labels pasted should not be damaged/ torn/ scratched/ dented
5. QR code on the label should be clear and free of any lines
– The print should not be faded. It must be clear and complete
6. Labels must be pasted on products that are packaged tightly in package of appropriate size
Flipkart requested online sellers to note that shipments may not be picked up by Flipkart executives if the above guidelines are violated.

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